Independent Web Development Agency, graphic design & maintenance.

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Our Solution

Discover our services by reading down below.

Forget about larger web design agencies as these tend to overcharge their services. Trust an independent partner who is always available for assistance, no middle-men inbetween!

Make the right decision by using an independent web designer who’s goal is not to increase its turnover but to provide quality work at a reasonable price. We respond to emails and finish the job!

We put together solutions tailored to your needs: logo design, website creation, appointments & booking services, e-commerce platform, multilingual interface…

Nowadays, relying on a quality website optimised for search and display is of utmost importance.

-> To increase your online visibility and then in turn increase your turnover.

-> To answer customer needs – everyone is searching online!

-> Owning your tailored online identity is now essential to stand out from the crowd.

Our Method

Our websites all are responsive from the start, that means they automatically adapt to the viewer’s screen size (mobile, tablet, laptop). Hence they will always be neatly functional and readable.

Responsive design is also essential for optimizing your organic SEO – being easily searchable through Google and other search engines.

Slalom Digital provides a true SEO service (Search Engine Optimization) aiming towards a great online positioning.

The SEO we use is said to be organic as it originates from the content itself (phrasing techniques, tags optimization). It is essential to own a responsive platform along with clean and concise content to power through the best organic SEO has to offer and rank higher in search results. In other words, you website must serve your customers and must answer multiple Google indexing requirements to succeed.

The internet is in constant evolution, thus having a 24/7 reliable hosting service is key. We offer a professional maintenance and assistance service with regular updates as required.

We can also arrange a project follow-up service where we keep an eye on your platform and perform maintenance services if needed.

Your web address and content must be hosted on a server reachable 24/7 with top-notch security. This is why we own our own servers at LWS – the most trustable hosting provider in France.

We can take action at any moment to update or edit your content in order to improve the security or to optimize it.


Defining needs and requirements to quote the project


Agreement on the timeline of the project


Creation of the materials and website set up


Test phase & improvements taking into account your feedback


Submitting the final version for approval


Optional follow-up regarding maintenance and SEO optimization

Some completed projects

We're Here To Help Your Business

We help fast-tracking your online platform!

Collaboration and smooth communication is key in defining your expectations right from the start. Let’s talk!

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